Sunday 7 August 2011

X2: X-Men United (2003)

I remember being very scared on approaching this. Fortunately the usage of Nightcrawler and a much greater range of mutant characters made it allot more pleasing than its precursor. The team and entire film yet again seem more lead by Wolverine for some totally wrong reason but this time around it does not stop other brilliant portions of character skill to be seen. Again though I cant say I would continue to re-watch this and not laugh at how inaccurate some story details are. And as great as the Magneto and Nightcrawler scenes are, I just cant take Mckellen as a Magneto im at all fond of the same said for Haley Berry who is even farther from a believable version of Storm than Hugh Jackmans Wolverine who in these films has had a sudden growth spurt. Its an obvious issue for a fan of something like this to not put the smack down on all the blatant hiccups with the original material and I have to say I think it was some time after seeing this film that I lost near enough any interest in comic adaptations and realised id be best off just buying the latest issues rather than the recent film. But sometimes with some things as big a deal to me as Xmen I still hope.

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