Sunday 23 October 2011

Let the Right One In (2008)

I am Amazed that I have not already written any wild crazy screaming, along the lines of "YOU MUST SEE THIS FILM TO HAVE ANY IDEA OF WHAT AN ACTUAL GOOD VAMP FLICK REALLY LOOKS LIKE"

I guess that gives you a pretty good idea of where I'm going with this. LET THE RIGHT ONE IN was the best film in my opinion of 2008, it being the only film I went to see at the cinema twice in a very long time its visual elegance quite literally caused my eyelids to spasm from over widening each time I exited the theatre. This films flow of desolate scenery infused with a slight magical aura grants every shot the ability to fool you into making the horror for yourself. Every moment is designed beautifully, playing the seeming innocence of the characters in symmetry with the dramatic growth of the story.

What is truly brilliant about this film is its skill in using very little in forms of visual gore or actual, in your face Horror. The great trickery here is how director Tomas Alfredson feeds your eyes with rations of shock made unexpected by that curtain of childhood innocence, which is only pulled back by your own minds eye. This is a Horror film that really grasps the skill in using its audience to deliver its Horror, providing you with subtle yet artistic visuals to prompt your imagination into seeing what it knows is there whether its on the screen or not.

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