Sunday 7 August 2011

Sucker Punch (2011)

Its understandable how this film has gained such a mixture of criticism i am personally one of the very many who was getting very exited about it, even if a little more than aware it was likely that Zach Snyder would soon trip himself up and it looked a little like this was to be that fall in the making.

Despite that fear i still attempted to view this with my original interest intact and i can say i enjoyed it even if with a sly snigger at the absurdity of the piece but thats why its a fairly good watch the total escapism involved.

The story is one of those very good ideas that perhaps would be or could be better if only tamed a little, as the big problem this film has is its over the top point of action.
The plot serves as a visual equivalent to a three course meal, a decent and subtle starter followed with an elegant and well dressed main course and then there is the desert, which is the problem, as the desert acts as if the chef left the kitchen and let a nine year old child go crazy with ice cream, candy canes, liquorice sticks and anything else he could stuff in that would keep your sugar rush going for a good few days.

Sucker Punch is one of those ideas we all secretly want to do, go crazy in the kitchen with but dare not for the obvious fact that its likely to underrate the real skill involved. And those two first portions are the life and blood of this film and if with a different caterer the idea might not have been ever so slightly spoilt.

There is good creative skill with this even if a little daft at times but i still like to think of it as an experimental piece in some ways and if this is the closest to bad that this director gets than it seems he can only improve on his mistakes in future efforts.

My rating with this however is based more on the indecision it leaves me with, I would not shout how good it is from the tree tops but its a fair film that leaves me wanting to watch it again be that for its faults or its allure.

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