Sunday 7 August 2011

I Saw the Devil (2010)

This film puts me in a place of spine tingly delight.

One of the biggest glories for me with this film was that the roles of the main characters where being taken on by Byung-hun Lee of "A Bitter Sweet Life" and Min-sik Choi of both "Oldboy" and "Lady Vengeance" all of which are equally some of the best revenge tales ever dreamed up in cinema. This however is easily my favourite film yet to give a grotesquely specific example of being in the grip of an inhumane and truly monstrous form of satisfaction. It's not just about the revenge with this piece its also beautifully detailing the horror inside that devilish lust for an unattainable balance of agony.

I advise all who have not done so, to first watch the previously mentioned films in order to fully enjoy the brutal grace of the two actors in this masterfully made vengeance face off.

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