Sunday 7 August 2011

Enter the Void (Soudain le vide) (2009)

Not for the timid this film it will throw any big film lover Blockbuster, Art house or whatever else into a hallway of twisted mirrors and I credit anyone who comes out the other end without some major deep thoughts on the state of death. It's enjoyable but very provoking in way of a disturbing truth of the nastiness in life and undeniable end that will one day come for us all. On that aspect it can be extremely depressing but that all depends on your outlook on life.

There are some grand spots of beauty in this be it the visual ride and way your guided through the film or the sliding of shocking scenes, its these titbits of beauty that relate the film to its initial theme of life and death. As most of the events seem to be unfortunate ones yet in any of unfortunate situation faced in life, you still manage to find those odd shades of perhaps accidental beauty.

You might think this to be something similarly said with allot of films but "Enter The Void" more than most for me works much like a Jackson Pollock painting in its variety of perspectives it welcomes on the topic covered. With so many different splashes of colour and shape thrown into it, it's likely on return viewings that your first idea on the piece and its content may have changed.

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